In a remarkable display of bravery and quick thinking, a 5-year-old boy named Colton Franks recently played a crucial role in saving his mother’s life after a horrifying hiking accident in Idaho. The Despite his young age, Colton’s quick thinking during the emergency has earned him widespread admiration.
A Family Hike Turns Dangerous
On July 29, Natalie Franks went hiking in Ketchum, Idaho, with her husband Andy, and their two children. Andy and their younger child turned back midway through the hike, leaving Natalie and Colton to continue on the trail. Colton was riding on his mother’s back when she set him down to find a walking stick. Suddenly, a pine tree fell, pinning Natalie to the ground.
Colton tried to lift the tree but couldn’t. Realizing the danger, he ran for help, screaming. A nearby couple heard his cries, called 911, and stayed with Natalie until help arrived. “This man was lying on his belly with his cheek on the ground, face to face with Natalie, and he was just telling her, ‘Let’s just do one more breath. Can you do one more breath?’” Andy told Fox 11.
Severe Injuries and a Mother’s Gratitude
Natalie was rushed to the hospital, where doctors found she had multiple serious injuries, including a collapsed lung, a severed artery, nine broken ribs, a broken shoulder blade, and a dislocated hip and knee. Her leg was twisted 180 degrees. Andy described her injuries: “Her left leg was twisted 180 degrees around her. [Her] two feet were facing in different directions, like how you organize your shoes from time to time.”
Despite her condition, Natalie Franks was able to speak briefly two days later. Her first request was to FaceTime Colton. “She cried as she thanked him for helping save her life and find her help,” Andy shared on a GoFundMe page set up for her recovery.