If there’s anyone who knows how to put your hope in a faithful Father through trials, as well as good times, it is Lysa TeKeurst. This president of Proverbs 31 Ministries shares through her speaking engagements and the bestselling books she’s authored like, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered, that strong belief in God and faithful service to Him does not mean life will be without trouble. Through her husband’s heartbreaking affair, a cancer diagnosis, a season of restoring the love in her marriage, and more, she has wrestled with God, learned about forgiveness from God’s Word, grace, friendship, and receiving strength through Christ. Her inspirational books about how to deal with rejection, such as Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely have only added to the long list of Lysa TerKeurst quotes that inspire those around the globe to look to God for all things. Whether you’re new to Lysa Terkeurst, or a longtime learner from her, here are some quotes to guide your day, week, month and year through the ups and downs inevitable to life.
Lysa TerKeurst Quotes
This list of 59 Lysa Terkeurst quotes will encourage, challenge, and equip you for what’s ahead.
- “Some of the most dangerous lies we listen to are the ones we tell ourselves.”
- “I know I must walk through God’s process before I see His fulfilled promise.”
- “We don’t have to have God’s answers to have His comfort.”
- “God will use suffering to shape us, mold us, and make us even better prepared for our purpose.”
- “Keep praying. It makes a bigger difference than you know.”
- “Home is where I’ve been broken open and put back together.”
- “What you’re seeing around you right now isn’t the full story.”
- “God’s promises are always a perfect match for our problems.”
- “The one who obeys God’s instruction for today will develop a keen awareness of His direction for tomorrow.
- “Praising God’s name ushers His presence into even the darkest moments.”
- “The Lord never fails to follow through on His promises to us.”
- “God is always true, trustworthy, and on time.”
- “Sometimes to get your life back, you have to face the death of what you thought your life would look like.”
- “I can feel out of control, but not act out of control when I remember God is in control.”
- “It’s better to wrestle with truth than wallow in turmoil.”
- “When you make one other human simply see they aren’t alone, you make the world a better place.”
- “We are imperfect because we are unfinished.”
- “Where there is a lack of rest, there is an abundance of stress.”
- “Relationships come in packages of potential, not perfection.”
- “God isn’t trying to be distant of mysterious or hard to understand. He’s being merciful.”
- “Grace given when it feels least deserved is the only antidote for bitterness.”
- “God loves me too much to answer my prayers at any other time than the right time and in any other way than the right way.”
- “My way of getting to the other side of difficult circumstances isn’t the only way. God has a perfect path to a redeemed future.”
- “God isn’t afraid of our sharp edges that may seem quite risky to others. He doesn’t pull back. He pulls you close.”
- “We don’t have to have all the answers. We just have to stay connected to the One who does.”
- “Connecting our faith to whether or not God answers our prayers when and how we want is shaky ground.”
- “I don’t have to figure everything out. I just need to stay close to Jesus.”
- “When we don’t have the strength to pray, we can simply bring our tears to Jesus.”
- “Just because God is silent in one area of our life doesn’t mean he’s silent in every area.”
- “God is already standing in every one of our tomorrows.”
- “God knows before we eternally dwell we will have to learn how to wrestle well.”