While walking the aisles at her local Dothan, Alabama, Sam's Club, Michelle Holland Connor pulled out her phone along with dozens of other patrons to capture the moment when a full store of shoppers erupted in worship singing "My God Is Awesome."
Ten grooms share their heartfelt, emotional thoughts on seeing the bride for the first time. Read their unforgettable reactions to this magical wedding moment.
“We just encountered something I haven’t experienced before at Long Hollow or at any church for that matter,” Gallaty explained. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We now with unveiled faces are looking at the glory of God are being transformed.”
Tragically, thousands of women are sex trafficked at major sporting events in the United States every year. It's one of the most well-kept secrets in our nation ... but no longer. Help END IT by visiting their website, EndItMovement.com.
Dorothy Custer is the definition of gumption. Listen to her tell the story of how she met her husband, then at 2:10 she reveals the secret to long life (btw, it's the cutest thing ever).