Seacoast Church in South Carolina has announced that a medical examiner has ruled the death of Pastor Darrin Patrick to be a suicide.
“We are devastated by this news,” said the church in a statement posted to its website on July 2. “We do not know, and may not ever know or fully understand the reasons behind this tragedy. We are reminded that we are often unaware of the ways that those close to us are hurting and struggling. We will recommit ourselves to loving those around us and making sure that they truly know how precious their lives are.”
Darrin Patrick died at age 49 on May 7, 2020, from a bullet fired at close range while he was target shooting with a friend in rural Franklin County, Missouri. Authorities did not suspect foul play and were waiting on the autopsy report to close the case. Thursday, the Office of the Regional Medical Examiner in St. Charles released its findings that the gunshot that took the pastor’s life was indeed self-inflicted. Patrick leaves behind his wife, Amie, and their four children. Darrin Patrick’s death was shocking to those close to him, such as his colleagues and friends. According to Long Hollow Baptist church in Hendersonville Tennessee, Darrin Patrick was planning to travel to their church to speak on the weekend following this incident, as the pastor of this church, Robby Gallaty explained. Gallaty had reportedly just spoken to him about the speaking engagement days before.
Darrin Patrick’s Story
Darrin Patrick was an author, speaker, and the teaching pastor at multi-site megachurch, Seacoast Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, at the time of his passing. He was also the founder of The Journey church in St. Louis, Missouri, where he lived. He pastored at The Journey for 14 years before being fired in 2016 for “historical patterns of sin” and for “inappropriate meetings, conversations and phone calls with two women,” although not for adultery. Around this time in 2015, he had just met Gallaty, who explained Darrin Patrick had told him about his struggles and decided to remove himself from the list of speakers for a men’s ministry even that Long Hollow Baptist was planning. Darrin Patrick also said he was leaving the ministry at that time. Describing himself as “horrified” by his sin and the harm it had caused, Patrick pursued a path of restoration that included in-depth counseling and apologizing to those he had wronged.
Seacoast Church’s founding pastor, Greg Surratt, was involved in the process at The Journey, and called it “deeply flawed” and “destructive at times.” Even though Surratt voiced his concerns, Patrick told him he wanted to see his restoration plan through. Said Surratt, “The landscape was littered at that point with leaders who fell and chose not to submit to a process of restoration. And he didn’t want that.” As Patrick recovered and began sharing his story, he eventually came on staff at Seacoast. He and Surratt started a podcast called The Pastors Collective with the goal of helping church leaders with their challenges. Gallaty pointed out that “You generally don’t see guys bounce back,” after an experience such as the one Darrin Patrick went through, but Patrick was passionate about sharing about God and helping others going through adversity. Gallaty, among many others were hit hard by Darrin Patrick’s death. Another friend of Darrin Patricks, and ministry consultant, Chris Surratt, who is based in Nashville, explained that Darrin Patrick was the kind of guy who other pastors and men could talk to when they were struggling and he had a great influence in the St. Louis area, but many times pastors have trouble reaching out for help themselves. In an interview, Darrin Patrick explained he struggled a lot with keeping up a certain image, especially in his early ministry, and this distracted him from focusing on “his soul.”
Seacoast Church Advises: Please Reach Out for Help
Seacoast Church concluded its statement by imploring people not to hide their mental health struggles: “We urge anyone who is struggling with depression, despair, or suicidal thoughts to reach out for help. We have resources available for anyone who needs them, as well as more information about Darrin and ways to support his family, at”