The following day, as the two-year-old was slowly being taken off life support by doctors, his heart rate bounced back to normal.
“We just said, ‘Stop! There is still fight in him,’” said Kerry, upon witnessing the signs of life. “Then his oxygen levels started to pick up, and he started coming back to us. By Easter Sunday, he was stable enough that I felt comfortable enough to have a lie-down. I was strong in that belief that he was our Easter miracle.”
And that he WAS.
Their oldest son, who had just started learning about Jesus, made a stunning comparison that struck his parents:
“When we told our eldest, he said, ‘He’s like Jesus’ – because he had been learning about it in school,” said Kerry.
Just one month later, Dylan was sent home from the hospital, and he continued chemotherapy for the next year and a half.
Today, he’s a happy, healthy 4-year-old.
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“I am not massively religious, but I did think it was a miracle,” said Kerry, who is forever grateful for her baby boy’s second chance at life.