My husband and I have known each other since we were nineteen, and I’d be lying if I said our relationship hadn’t changed since then. I mean, I still get butterflies in my belly when he gives me that certain, signature smirk of his, but it’s not like first kiss fireworks when I give him a sleepy smooch nowadays before putting our baby to bed. I think most couples who have been in love for a long time will agree that the passage of years changes their relationship, but one day something crazy happens that shows you just how much the tides have turned.
And this just happened to me.
So it was our day off together, and although I don’t expect my husband to spend every waking moment with baited breath for my next word, I do kinda assume he’ll answer an inquiry when I point it in his direction. I mean, if you ask a question you expect an answer, right?! My, how things change.
So there we were in the same room, and like any sensible person would expect, I figured he would catch my drift when I began speaking to him.
“So what time do you think we should leave?” I asked.
Silence. Silence.
I waited for an answer, but none came. And it was at this point I realized my husband had ignored me. Quite easily, in fact.