When he was just 10 years old, Walt had a vision that he was swinging around a little brown-eyed, olive-skinned girl.
In that moment, God whispered to him that she would be his daughter, “Chloe.” Her face was plain as day.
It seemed like a strange thing for God to place on the heart of a 10-year-old boy who had never even had a girlfriend, but for Walt, the promise was unshakeable.
Not long after, a pretty blue-eyed girl named Annie moved into his neighborhood. The two soon became best friends, and as they grew up, their friendship quickly grew into something more. They knew early on in their relationship that they would get married.
However, Walt was a little thrown off by the fact that he knew it was impossible for him to have a brown-eyed girl with Annie. As a blue-eyed couple, the recessive gene can only produce blue-eyed children. He decided to let that detail fall by the wayside and follow his heart in marrying the girl of his dreams.
But the CRAZY thing is that when Walt asked Annie what she wanted to name her daughter, she replied that the name “Chloe” had always been on her heart. He was totally floored that God had given them both the SAME name.
After trying for four years to have a child, the couple started to get very discouraged and wonder if God’s promises still held true. They watched couple after couple get pregnant, as they sat and responded with their fake smiles and bitter “congratulations.”
Annie wrestled with the idea that a “good God” could do such a cruel thing to them.
Annie started to explore the idea of adoption, but Walt was totally against it. He didn’t want what he called a “band-aid baby.” He wanted the real thing. He wanted their baby. He wanted Chloe.
As time passed, they both realized that maybe that was never going to happen. Walt thought maybe they were just “fools.”
Slowly, Walt warmed up to the idea of adoption, but he still wasn’t sold.
However, nothing could prepare them for what happened when they got an email from a mother who had selected them to take in her baby. The ecstatic Annie and hesitant Walt headed over to the birth mother’s house to learn more about their potential adoption.
Walt instantly noticed that the mom held a striking resemblance to the young girl he saw in his vision so many years ago.
But when the birth mom mentioned that she always wanted to name her baby “Chloe,” Walt and Annie just LOST it!! The couple wept and wept over the “lost promise” that God was now fulfilling before their very eyes.
Thinking they had been foolish all along, they came into the meeting having thrown the name “Chloe” out the window and had settled on “Allison.”
Little did they know, this was God’s magnificent plan ALL along. His provision and master plan had never waivered, even when they lost faith in His goodness.
Watch as Walt and Annie come face-to-face with their baby girl for the first time after decades of watching God’s beautiful plan unfold…