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20 Creative Christmas Card Messages to Inspire You

Find 20 creative Christmas card messages to inspire your holiday greetings, including heartfelt, funny, and thoughtful ideas for everyone on your list.

Husband Leaves Wife at 8 Months Pregnant—5 Weeks Later, She Finds This in the Oven

After an infertility journey and fixing up a new house, this soon-to-be mom entered the biggest struggle of her life. Her new life's headline read, 'Husband Leaves Pregnant Wife.' See what her community did to bless her.

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Like so many other times, Jamie Acord and her husband were walking along the beach when the day took an unexpected turn. This woman swallowed by quicksand tells of her escape and how she remained calm.

Why Jesus Would Not Say “All Lives Matter”

John 13: 12-15 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. ““You call me ‘Teacher and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

Do you remember the greatest commandment? It was to love the Lord your God, and second to love your neighbor as yourself. Our black neighbors have not felt very loved, and rightly so. They have felt less than us. Do you remember who Jesus revealed Himself as Savior to first? A Samaritan woman, who historically was considered less than a Jewish man, not only because of gender, but also race. Yet Jesus chose her for a very special event in history; to be the first to know the Son of God had come to earth to save mankind.

Jesus came to save us all, but He also understood what it was like to be marginalized. He revealed Himself to a Samaritan Woman to prove that He stood with the weak, the ones who were judged unfairly, the people who felt wounded by society. He loves us all, and He came to save us all, but He chose to reveal Himself to a woman who had been treated unfairly based on things other than her soul. He also took on the role of a servant to show mankind that humility is the best way to love!

Posture of Humility.

When people are hurting, Jesus takes a posture of humility. When people are treated unfairly, He takes a posture of humility. Yes, He throws tables too, but the beginning of having a servant’s heart comes with humbling yourself. It comes with saying, “I will be less, so you can be more.”

To answer back to Black Lives Matter with All Lives Matter, while basically true, is really the opposite of what Jesus would do. Check your heart and ask why the phrase bothers you so much. Is it because it implies white lives don’t matter to people? Or that police lives don’t matter? Or that your life doesn’t matter?

1 John 3:16 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

No one is asking you to lay down your physical life, even though Jesus did, but if you truly want to follow His example, you would see that a huge part of being a Christian is laying down yourself. We must constantly lay down our own desires and look at the desires of others. We must constantly check our own selfish ambition and motives. We must take the role of servant and see to the hurting people around us, forgetting our own pain, and only seeing that of others. When Jesus washed the disciples’ feet He knew Judas would betray Him, that Peter would deny Him, and that Thomas would doubt Him, yet He washed their feet anyway. He took a posture of humility that said, “it’s ok that I’m giving my life. This isn’t about me right now. It’s about you. Let me wash your feet.”

Do you see it now? If you see someone hurting, cry with them. If you see someone angry, listen to their words. Hug them. No one is asking you to hang on a cross simply by answering, “yes, your life does matter. I’m sorry people have treated you like it didn’t.”

I would encourage you to lay down your pride and take the position of Jesus. Take a position of humility. The position of a servant who sees the injustice towards others and offers to wash their feet.

Brie Gowen
Brie Gowenhttp://briegowen.com/
Brie Gowen is a 30-something (sliding ever closer to 40-something) wife and mother. When she’s not loving on her hubby, chasing after the toddler or playing princess with her four-year-old, she enjoys cooking, reading and writing down her thoughts to share with others. Brie is also a huge lover of Jesus. She finds immense joy in the peace a relationship with her Savior provides, and she might just tell you about it sometime. She’d love for you to check out her blog at BrieGowen.com.

20 Creative Christmas Card Messages to Inspire You

Find 20 creative Christmas card messages to inspire your holiday greetings, including heartfelt, funny, and thoughtful ideas for everyone on your list.

Husband Leaves Wife at 8 Months Pregnant—5 Weeks Later, She Finds This in the Oven

After an infertility journey and fixing up a new house, this soon-to-be mom entered the biggest struggle of her life. Her new life's headline read, 'Husband Leaves Pregnant Wife.' See what her community did to bless her.

Woman Swallowed by Quicksand ‘Dropped Like a Rock’ on a Beach in Maine

Like so many other times, Jamie Acord and her husband were walking along the beach when the day took an unexpected turn. This woman swallowed by quicksand tells of her escape and how she remained calm.