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11 Tear-Jerking Sad Romance Movies That Will Leave You Reaching for Tissues

These sad romance movies will tug at your heartstrings and leave you reaching for tissues. From tear-inducing teen love stories to profound tales of love lost and found, each film promises an unforgettable emotional journey.

Can You Have Sex Before Marriage? Yes—But Here’s Why Christians Are Asking the Wrong Question

But what if you're engaged, and really REALLY in love? Then, can you? Yes, you can. But...

21 Heart-Wrenching Sad Country Songs That Capture Life’s Deepest Sorrows

Dive into the depths of emotion with our curated list of 21 sad country songs. From timeless classics to modern ballads, explore stories of love, loss, and longing that resonate with the heart. Feel seen and understood through the power of country music.

“If Our Kids Have Time for HOURS of Snapchat & Instagram, They Have Time to Learn Marketable Skills on These Same Devices”

A lot of parents claim they give their kids devices so they can develop and keep their technology skills sharp. If we are not intentional about directing HOW they use this technology, they are likely to leave our homes with virtually ZERO actual marketable computer skills.

I’m an HR Director and my team hires entry-level employees on a daily basis. We hire so many young 20’s who are downright addicted to their phones yet don’t know the absolute basics of using technology and struggle with making and receiving phone calls. The anxiety levels these ‘kids’ (new hires) face when they encounter even small amounts of conflict or gray areas on a customer call can be debilitating for so many of them.

As the mom of a teenaged son, I thought I’d share some practical ways to prepare your kids for real-life use of technology needed for ‘adulting.’

1) Have them conduct basic internet research for you… Examples: Have them research the best way to kill weeds or find the cheapest price for fence replacement, etc. Have them find the cheapest rental car and hotel for your vacation. Talk to them about how reservations and insurance work and HAVE THEM CALL to reserve it. Let them fumble and make mistakes on the call while you’re there to coach and encourage them. If they mess up, who cares? They need to practice while the stakes are low.

2) Have them call to pay any medical bills that come in. Show them where to find the Date of Service and Invoice #. Sit with them and coach and encourage them through the call. Tell them what they did right/wrong and watch their confidence grow.

3) Have them call tech support any time something in the home goes down – internet, cable, water, A/C, etc. Let them walk through the steps for the internet to come back on. These are skills they need when on their own!

4) Have them call to schedule their own haircuts, doctor and dentist appointments, and dog grooming appointments. Again, if they sound dumb or forget to say something or ask something, who cares? If they learned something, it was a success!

5) Have them renew your Driver’s License or voter registration online and take ownership of the Registration/Inspection process. They can practice on yours so they know exactly what to do when it’s their turn.

11 Tear-Jerking Sad Romance Movies That Will Leave You Reaching for Tissues

These sad romance movies will tug at your heartstrings and leave you reaching for tissues. From tear-inducing teen love stories to profound tales of love lost and found, each film promises an unforgettable emotional journey.

Can You Have Sex Before Marriage? Yes—But Here’s Why Christians Are Asking the Wrong Question

But what if you're engaged, and really REALLY in love? Then, can you? Yes, you can. But...

21 Heart-Wrenching Sad Country Songs That Capture Life’s Deepest Sorrows

Dive into the depths of emotion with our curated list of 21 sad country songs. From timeless classics to modern ballads, explore stories of love, loss, and longing that resonate with the heart. Feel seen and understood through the power of country music.