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25 Funny Ways to Say Good Morning: A Fresh Start with a Smile

Discover funny ways to say good morning to friends, your crush, and loved ones. From witty texts for Reddit fans to charming messages for that special someone, find the perfect phrase to brighten anyone's day and start mornings with laughter.

11 Tear-Jerking Sad Romance Movies That Will Leave You Reaching for Tissues

These sad romance movies will tug at your heartstrings and leave you reaching for tissues. From tear-inducing teen love stories to profound tales of love lost and found, each film promises an unforgettable emotional journey.

Can You Have Sex Before Marriage? Yes—But Here’s Why Christians Are Asking the Wrong Question

But what if you're engaged, and really REALLY in love? Then, can you? Yes, you can. But...

A Letter to the Young Wife, From a 19-Year-Old Bride: “I Don’t Regret a Thing”

To the wife who married young,

I know it’s not easy being in your shoes at times. You might get snide remarks more than encouragement and your friends likely think you threw away the best years of your life.

“What do you want from me, people!?”

I’ve just recently noticed that I don’t get quite as many scoffs when people put together my age and marital status. I guess that means that after three years of marriage I’ve finally reached a somewhat acceptable age to be married.

Does any of this matter?

I used to let it get me down, but let me clue you in on a little secret: it only matters if you let it matter to you. People love to look in and assume that deep down you’re miserable and wishing you weren’t missing out on the best years of your life. I think the general public think that most of “our kind” end up snapping at some point. Realizing all they missed out on, and ditching it all to go actually live their young adult life.

I say if you’re happy and enjoying life, let them think what they want to think. Let them speculate and hate and judge to their heart’s desire. You don’t have to prove why you got married young, why you enjoy it, or why you and your husband decided to start your lives together so young. This is your story, really God’s story for you, and the best thing you can do is ignore the judgment and simply reflect Christ’s love through your marriage.

Marriage, while a huge blessing, is hard enough as it is. You don’t need added negativity.

Tayler Beede
Tayler Beede
Tayler Beede is a Christian wife, student, and brain tumor survivor. She writes with her mom (is that awesome or what?) about what happens when romance meets reality at the marriage blog Nitty Gritty Love. You can find more Nitty Gritty Love on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

25 Funny Ways to Say Good Morning: A Fresh Start with a Smile

Discover funny ways to say good morning to friends, your crush, and loved ones. From witty texts for Reddit fans to charming messages for that special someone, find the perfect phrase to brighten anyone's day and start mornings with laughter.

11 Tear-Jerking Sad Romance Movies That Will Leave You Reaching for Tissues

These sad romance movies will tug at your heartstrings and leave you reaching for tissues. From tear-inducing teen love stories to profound tales of love lost and found, each film promises an unforgettable emotional journey.

Can You Have Sex Before Marriage? Yes—But Here’s Why Christians Are Asking the Wrong Question

But what if you're engaged, and really REALLY in love? Then, can you? Yes, you can. But...