“I felt relieved and appreciated at the fact that he wanted to help, he seemed really genuine,” West told “Good Morning America.” She was stunned that a stranger would do something so kind for her.
“He was talking to him as if he was his own grandchild and had known him his whole life,” the grateful mother added. “He was just the sweetest.”
While West said it’s fine for people to have different mindsets, it’s most critical that we care for each other.
“Regardless of skin color, we are all just human and can love one another!” she said. “I truly believe that if each one of us [does] our part and teach our children that color doesn’t exist, our next generation could be colorblind.”
For Wilson, the incident she captured hit particularly close to home because she has a biracial family, as she disclosed in an interview with CBS News:
“It was touching for me because my children are biracial. It was heartwarming especially because he was an older white man, just completely not thinking anything of race. Just loved on this baby as if it was his baby. He completely saw nothing of color, and neither did that mom.”
After family members recognized the gentleman in the picture as Joe Hill, Wilson was able to connect with him as well.
“I think it’s shown more people and given more people hope,” she said of the photo, adding “I’m just a small town girl. It’s got to be God saying ‘Look, people. We can love one another. It’s not hard.’ And it’s not.”