When it comes to the bond between a girl and her dad, nothing can compare to the unique relationship that they’ll both treasure forever.
Of course not every father-daughter relationship is a reflection of that bond, but a relationship with our Heavenly Father most definitely can be.
Dads typically struggle with things like braiding hair and cooking meals, but it’s the quality time and bonding that creates a lasting foundation for confident and successful women.
Thirty-eight-year-old Ukranian artist Soosh didn’t have the privilege of sharing a special bond with her father, because he was never involved in her life. In an effort to make sure her 10-year-old son doesn’t follow in those footsteps, she uses art to illustrate some beautiful relationships.
“Part of the education for my kiddo who I want to grow up to be a good man is to understand what it’s like to be one,” Soosh told Upworthy.