How Have Shia LaBeouf’s Fans Responded?
During his time preparing to play Padre Pio, Shia LaBeouf accepted Jesus as his savior, and he began practicing at a Catholic church.
In the interview, Shia LaBeouf said to Bishop Barron, “When mass is done really, really well, you feel like something like a secret is being shared with you.”
And many have responded to the actor becoming a Christian with encouragement, whether or not they’re Catholic.
One person responded to the interview saying, “I’m not Catholic, but I love the peace on Shia’s face, and in the tone of his voice. I’m happy to see that he has found the redemptive love and forgiveness of Christ. God bless him.”
Another said, “Shia’s conversion is one of the most inspiring things I’ve ever seen. I’m praying for him.”
Shia’s sharing of faith and hope seems to have impacted others’ faith, as well.
“This brought me back to faith when it came out a month ago, thank you Shia, Bishop Barron, God and Saint Padre Pio, please pray for us Saint Padre Pio!” said one viewer of the interview.
The importance of sharing how God has revealed himself to us is clearly needed, as Shia LaBeouf’s experience has touched and brought hope in their darkness, too.
“I am sitting here today, deep, deep in depression, also having kind of lost my relationship to God. I was desperate for some kind of structure und so turned to prayer and searching on the internet for everything catholic,” The Tudorgirl posted to YouTube, “And after having ignored the Shia interview for days I finally gave it a try and was able to connect with so many things he said, such a powerful talk. It has given me a little bit of hope and also the desire to deepen my relationship with God again, so thank you to these two men.”