Kids are funny little creatures, aren’t they? You can ask them to pick up their shoes, or put clothes on what seems like 57 times in an hour, and they don’t listen.
But when it comes to the smallest observations, they’re all over it.
Sometimes I feel like God uses kids to teach us how to be kind and love others. Of course, any mom would appreciate it if she didn’t sound like a broken record everyday, but some of the little acts of kindness our kiddos teach us stay in our hearts forever.
That was the case for this sweet mama a few months back who recently shared her story with Love What Matters. She and her husband were discussing their finances—a stressful topic for anyone struggling to make ends meet. Little did they know, their four-and-a-half year-old son was taking note.
Later on in the week, they were out running errands as a family:
“I was tired and made a comment to my husband about how I could use a coffee. He reminded me that coffee just isn’t in our budget…and the conversation ended there.”
She continues: