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Mom Continues to Text Son After His Tragic Death—& She Finally Got a Response

After Taylor Thyfault passed away, his mom continued sending him text messages. Some were short and said things like, “I love you,” and, “I miss you.” They helped her feel connected. Then, she received a reply.

12 Surprising Truths About People with Tattoos You Never Knew

Uncover 12 surprising truths about people with tattoos, challenging stereotypes and revealing the unique stories behind their inked expressions.

What it Really Means When We Say “Yahweh”

When we call out to God, in praise, in worship, and in need, we are calling on the Lord our God. Learn how to pronounce Yahweh and call on the mighty one. Our Father. Creator.

Tag: Football

The Philadelphia Eagles: A Band of Bible-Believing Brothers Whose Faith is Inspiring Millions

"Taking a Knee" has been a common theme in the NFL this season. But the Philadelphia Eagles are taking a knee for an entirely different reason.

Freshman Underdog Praises “Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ” for Nail-Biting National Championship Victory

“My parents would be mad, so excuse me, but first and foremost I’d like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. With Him, all things are possible and that’s what happened tonight."

The Refs Said If He Points at God Again, He’s Done. That’s When His Sister Slipped Him a Note…

The officials were ready to kick him out, but God had a different plan...

The Men Who Stood: Christian NFL Stars Send a Powerful Message to America Amidst NFL Protest

If they are in the middle of the fire choosing to stand TOGETHER, who are WE to stand against them?

This NFL Star Handed the Ball to a “Random” Boy—Then He Found Out What Happened to His Dad

He had no idea what this little boy just went through when he handpicked him out of the stands.