"I don’t know how to say this, and I still cannot believe I am even saying it, but Brandon and I are getting divorced." Christian author and speaker Jen Hatmaker shares her heart amidst divorce.
Take the first step with these 9 transformative quotes about forgiveness that can help heal your heart, release resentment, and embrace peace and compassion.
Ricky Pearsall was shot in the chest during an attempted robbery. His mom took to Facebook with an update and to plead with friends and family to pray for her "baby boy."
"Tears immediately stung my eyes. Did he not realize that I, and the man serving us, could hear that? I grabbed the sample and quickly walked over to Greg unable to speak. My mind kept replaying the words this stranger had just said."
"My daughter is speechless and her eyes begin to glass over. I LOST MY MIND. I had a literal, physical reaction. I put my hand up and said 'STOP! She is 13'..."