Former transgender woman Jeffrey McCall organized the “Freedom March” in D.C. this weekend, an event designed to shine the transformative light of Christ through those who left the transgender lifestyle to follow Him.
“This Freedom March was about the transformation power of the Holy Spirit, not about conversion therapy that all these media publications have published,” McCall shared in his testimony. “That’s not what we’re about. We’re about the Jesus Christ of Nazareth. When you follow him, if your inside’s clean, the outside will follow.”
For years, McCall went by the identity of a woman named Scarlett. He had even been seeing psychiatrists and psychologists and was about to begin gender-altering surgeries.
But as he broke down in tears on stage, McCall explained that one day he was secretly listening to a preacher named Jentezen Franklin, — recalling that he wasn’t the type that would dare be seen in a church.
He recalls the conversation he had with the Lord in that moment like it was yesterday:
“I just remember I called out to the Lord, and I said, ‘Will I ever live for you? Because I know people live for you. I’ve seen real people live for you–not just going to church, but they have relationships with you, and they have peace and joy.”
“I had just wanted to kill myself,” McCall continued. “And I wasn’t in any conversion therapy from the world or anyone else. I was spiritually bankrupt; I was destitute. And I was being convicted by the Holy Spirit that there was so much more than anything I had been a part of.”
That life-altering night, God tore through his racing thoughts, tears, and numbing anxiety to whisper six words he’ll never forget: “Yes, you will live for me.”
However, even after the revelation from God, McCall still wasn’t quite ready to give up his identity as Scarlett yet. It took him a couple of months to come to the striking realization that if he was going to do this, he had to be ALL in.
‘If I follow you, it will be all the way,” he told God. “I don’t do things half-way. I didn’t do things half-way in the world; I’m not going to do things half-way with you.”
Jeffrey was the guy championing for transgender rights on ABC, so if he was gonna follow Jesus, he wasn’t about to be a lukewarm follower.
“And so I took all my life as Scarlett and I went to a dumpster and threw it all away,” he said. “The clothes, the hair, the make-up, the jewelry, the shoes, my whole identity—I threw it away to follow Jesus.”
Today, he attests that his life has been profoundly and irreversibly transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit:
“My relationship with him goes beyond anything that a church building could offer. It’s a personal intimate relationship with him. He’s my redeemer. He’s my savior. He is everything to me. I told him this morning, ‘I can’t even breathe without you, I can’t even do today without you. I can’t do this life without you.'”
Watch Jeffrey’s powerful testimony: