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20 Creative Christmas Card Messages to Inspire You

Find 20 creative Christmas card messages to inspire your holiday greetings, including heartfelt, funny, and thoughtful ideas for everyone on your list.

Husband Leaves Wife at 8 Months Pregnant—5 Weeks Later, She Finds This in the Oven

After an infertility journey and fixing up a new house, this soon-to-be mom entered the biggest struggle of her life. Her new life's headline read, 'Husband Leaves Pregnant Wife.' See what her community did to bless her.

Woman Swallowed by Quicksand ‘Dropped Like a Rock’ on a Beach in Maine

Like so many other times, Jamie Acord and her husband were walking along the beach when the day took an unexpected turn. This woman swallowed by quicksand tells of her escape and how she remained calm.

Is “Tipping Culture” Getting Out of Hand? The Internet Calls Out Service-Worker Entitlement and “Tipflation”

“There was a tipping screen at one of those frozen yogurt places where you get everything yourself,” one said. “I did all the work! Tip for what?” Another lamented that they’d had the tip screen show up in the checkout lane at the pet store. Still a third made her own video talking about how she’d gotten a tip screen in the self checkout at an airport snack shop. That one made me LOL! Definitely not tipping for self-service!

Others flooded the comments with stories of their own, bonding over what many TikTokers are calling “tipflation.” Tipflation, also known as tip creep, is a term to describe the recent widespread expansion of gratuity to more industries, as opposed to being traditionally only prevalent in full-service restaurants.

My feeling is that tipping culture is not really at all out of hand, and that most service workers deserve a tip. I think perhaps the more likely truth is that checkout services that use tip screens are out of hand. That is to say, not every business that uses checkout software with a tip screen should. And when I don’t think it’s warranted, I’m going to keep hitting “No.”

Do you think “tipping culture” is a thing? Or is it just a new name for something that has always existed?

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapsonhttp://www.foreverymom.com
Jenny Rapson is a wife and mom of three from Ohio and the editor of For Every Mom. You can also find her alternately griping and gushing about her kids at her own blog, Mommin' It Up. You can email her at jrapson@outreach.com, or follow her on Twitter.

20 Creative Christmas Card Messages to Inspire You

Find 20 creative Christmas card messages to inspire your holiday greetings, including heartfelt, funny, and thoughtful ideas for everyone on your list.

Husband Leaves Wife at 8 Months Pregnant—5 Weeks Later, She Finds This in the Oven

After an infertility journey and fixing up a new house, this soon-to-be mom entered the biggest struggle of her life. Her new life's headline read, 'Husband Leaves Pregnant Wife.' See what her community did to bless her.

Woman Swallowed by Quicksand ‘Dropped Like a Rock’ on a Beach in Maine

Like so many other times, Jamie Acord and her husband were walking along the beach when the day took an unexpected turn. This woman swallowed by quicksand tells of her escape and how she remained calm.