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32 Creative Proposal Ideas to Make Your Engagement Unforgettable

Discover 32 unique and creative proposal ideas to ensure your engagement moment is as special as your love story. From breathtaking adventures to intimate home proposals, find the perfect way to pop the question and start your journey together.

30 Ultimate Bucket List Ideas: Ignite Your Passion for Adventure and Growth

Dive into our comprehensive list of 30 ultimate bucket list ideas designed to spark your sense of adventure and personal growth. Discover the inspiration you need to craft your own journey and embark on unforgettable experiences.

Best Friends of 30+ Years Are Becoming Grandmas Together After Their Kids Married Each Other

In a now-viral TikTok video, Ashley Thomas revealed in February that after being best friends for nearly four decades, their moms were going to share a grandbaby. 

5 Things God Never Said but Christians Keep Repeating

God appointed Ezekiel a watchman (Ezekiel 3:17). His job was to warn of impending danger. The nation was doomed, and only through heeding their watchman could they survive. Chapters 4-24 of Ezekiel contain his cry of alarm, which gave those outside the walls opportunity to seek protection. It also gave the people time to secure the gates and man the defenses. The death spoken of in Ezekiel 3:18-19 is physical, not spiritual. The context is the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem that Ezekiel predicted.

A person refusing to heed God’s warning from Ezekiel could expect physical death. Ezekiel was to warn the righteous, not just the wicked. If Ezekiel refused to speak God’s message to people who came to his house, he’d be guilty of murder. This is the meaning of “but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.”

By giving a warning, Ezekiel delivered himself from the responsibility of the coming judgment. Those who ignored his warning could only blame themselves. One can see the danger when this idea is applied to evangelism; all of a sudden, we become responsible for someone’s eternal destiny.

But bringing people to Christ is a God-sized job.

It’s our job to bring Christ to the lost; only God can bring the lost to Christ. John 6:44 reminds us, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” Evangelism now becomes exciting. I do it recognizing that God is not holding me responsible for the results.

4. If you come to Me, I want either all of your life or none of it, but God never said it like that.

This one is said in different ways, but the meaning is the same.

There are those who exhort, “You can’t meet God halfway. If you want to come to Christ, you must completely surrender to Him. God will only do business with you if you mean business with Him. He’s going to get all of your life, or He doesn’t want any of it.” What’s the problem here?

Look at the language in John 3:15, 3:16, 3:18, 3:36, 5:25, 6:47, 11:25-26 and 20:31. All of them make it clear that salvation is based on one thing: believing and trusting in Christ alone as our only way to heaven. The moment we trust Him this way, we are as certain of heaven as though we’re already there.

This misconception is, again, often based on a wrong handling of Scripture. To support it, verses are cited that speak of discipleship, not salvation. Every Christian should be a disciple, but, unfortunately, not every Christian is. In fact, Christ warned people about the cost of discipleship before encouraging them to sign up (Luke 14:26-27).

Salvation is free, but discipleship involves a cost.

32 Creative Proposal Ideas to Make Your Engagement Unforgettable

Discover 32 unique and creative proposal ideas to ensure your engagement moment is as special as your love story. From breathtaking adventures to intimate home proposals, find the perfect way to pop the question and start your journey together.

30 Ultimate Bucket List Ideas: Ignite Your Passion for Adventure and Growth

Dive into our comprehensive list of 30 ultimate bucket list ideas designed to spark your sense of adventure and personal growth. Discover the inspiration you need to craft your own journey and embark on unforgettable experiences.

Best Friends of 30+ Years Are Becoming Grandmas Together After Their Kids Married Each Other

In a now-viral TikTok video, Ashley Thomas revealed in February that after being best friends for nearly four decades, their moms were going to share a grandbaby.