Former cast members of the beloved NBC drama series “This Is Us” recently came together to celebrate a significant milestone in the life of one of their own. Niles Fitch, known for his portrayal of the teenage and young adult version of Randall Pearson, graduated from the University of Southern California Tuesday, and his on-screen family couldn’t have been prouder. Leading the pack was Milo Ventimiglia, who portrayed Jack Pearson, the adoptive father of Fitch’s character throughout the show’s six seasons.
The heartwarming reunion was reminiscent of a Pearson family gathering, with Ventimiglia standing alongside the 22-year-old graduate in a display of support and camaraderie. Notably, Hannah Zeile, who played Fitch’s on-screen sister Kate Pearson, was also in attendance, further emphasizing the strong bond that was formed among the cast during their time together on the series.
Fitch took to social media to share the joyous occasion, posting a photo of himself flanked by Ventimiglia and Zeile, capturing a moment of celebration and achievement. The image, shared on Instagram, garnered attention and admiration from fans and fellow cast members alike, with Zeile resharing the post on her Instagram stories accompanied by a string of celebratory emojis.