Danny Agee, a young boy from Temple, Texas, was in for the surprise of his life when he made what appeared to be an impossible request from Chick-fil-A for his ‘last meal’ from before surgery to remove his brain tumor.
The request?
Chick-fil-A on a Sunday.
Like it does for all too many of us, the craving for the crispy and oh-so-delicious Lord’s chicken came for the boy at the most inconvenient of times. But not to fear, Chick-fil-A was once again willing to go above and beyond to serve their customers in a special way — and more importantly, to bring tears of joy to a much-deserved little boy.
Though his family kindly reminded him that they were closed for the Sabbath, Danny’s nurse, Jenny Pearce, overheard the conversation and decided to pull some strings.
Joey Agee // Facebook
Between Pearce and the managers at North 31st Street Chick-fil-A, Danny was able to get his hands on some mouth-watering nuggets on EASTER SUNDAY of all times.