I can certainly walk the kids to sleep by myself, but when we stroll together, the full moon looks fuller, and I’m inclined to admire it longer.
I can take our son to karate by myself, but when that cute little girl beelines to be Javin’s partner, and another boy helps him perfect his jump kicks, I notice the sweetness, but I don’t giggle like I would with you.
I don’t need you to share parenting responsibilities with me out of fairness or survival, but for the joy of doing so. With you, the funny moments are funnier, the cute moments are cuter, and contrary to the pattern, the terrible moments are less so. Life is simply better with you.
We don’t only co-parent, we co-experience life.
We create and reflect on the same reality, and that somehow deepens the meaning of it all. When I see a beautiful sunset, and you say, “Look at that!” you validate what I see, and all of a sudden the colors become even brighter and more captivating.
I don’t necessarily need you for practical or worldly reasons, but I need you to know me. When I laugh, you’re aware of exactly why. And when I don’t say anything at all, you read my mind. You love my insecurities as you do my strengths, and your understanding gives me confirmation of myself. We’re like two beings from the same source, who get to witness more of themselves through each other.
It’s true that I don’t need you to survive. I need you for so much more.
**This post appeared originally on StayAtHomePanda.com.
About the Author: Amanda has a background in education and child development, but now spends most of her time roaming her Orlando neighborhood with her two barefoot boys. She mostly writes about parenting, marriage, and women’s issues. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, Your Tango, and more. Find her on Facebook.