“[Twelve] years ago Krystil Kincaid and I said ‘I do, until death do us part.’ She was the best thing that ever happened to me. The way she looked at me when she was making her promise to me still makes my heart melt. [Twelve] years ago, was the best day of my life.
Today, Krystil’s and Avalynn’s ashes came home. A drunk driver speeding down a two-lane highway at 85+ mph in the wrong lane around a blind corner destroyed my family. The max sentence for killing my wife and daughter is 10 years max. The state of California doesn’t think there was intent, but I know driving recklessly in that manner, he didn’t intend anything good…
My daughter’s due date was October 9th, a 36-week-old fully developed baby isn’t considered a person in the state of California. How do I explain to my children this injustice? My children and I have never felt so disposable…
Look at the devastation left behind that is my family and tell me it isn’t time for change…
Imagine if this was your family… Who will fight with me for change? Who will spread this like wildfire? Who will write their representatives and demand change? We cannot as a society look the other way any longer.
If you go to a bar, party or event without an option to go home without driving you are intending to kill people. It’s plain and simple, driving drunk is intent.
We are out here trying to smile through the pain of losing Krystil Kincaid. I promise to continue to try and help our children find the beauty and joy in life… You live in all of us, we miss you and love you forever and always.”
**This story originally appeared on Love What Matters and was written by Zach Kincaid of California. Used with permission.
***Zach’s petition to change the drinking and driving laws in California can be found here.