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Mom Continues to Text Son After His Tragic Death—& She Finally Got a Response

After Taylor Thyfault passed away, his mom continued sending him text messages. Some were short and said things like, “I love you,” and, “I miss you.” They helped her feel connected. Then, she received a reply.

12 Surprising Truths About People with Tattoos You Never Knew

Uncover 12 surprising truths about people with tattoos, challenging stereotypes and revealing the unique stories behind their inked expressions.

What it Really Means When We Say “Yahweh”

When we call out to God, in praise, in worship, and in need, we are calling on the Lord our God. Learn how to pronounce Yahweh and call on the mighty one. Our Father. Creator.

How Could This Happen to Me? Navigating Through Life’s Unexpected Turns

As I sit here, surrounded by the shadows of unmet expectations and the silence of a path I never thought I’d walk, I find myself typing out the words, “How could this happen to me?” It’s a question that echoes in the minds of many who find themselves caught in the grip of unforeseen circumstances. Writing this not only serves as a catharsis but also a bridge to others who might feel isolated in their struggles. This is my journey through pain, understanding, and eventual healing—a beacon for those who might find themselves in similar darkness.

How Could This Happen to Me? The Onset of Grief

It started on a seemingly ordinary day. The sun rose as it had every day, and the rhythms of the world trotted on unperturbed. But for me, the world had shifted off its axis. The news that came that morning was unexpected—a bolt from the blue that shattered my tranquility into a thousand pieces. Whether it was the end of a significant relationship, the loss of a job, or a health diagnosis that promised a tough road ahead, the specifics of the event matter less than the universal shock it instills.

Why me?” I wondered, a question that many ask when faced with profound grief or loss. This is not just a rhetorical query—it is a deep dive into the soul, searching for answers that often, frustratingly, remain out of reach. The initial stages of grief washed over me: denial, anger, bargaining. I walked through each stage unknowingly, each step forward as heavy as the last.

The Struggle with Self-Identity

In the days and weeks that followed, my identity seemed to crumble. Who was I, if not the partner, the professional, or the healthy individual I thought I was? The roles we play in our lives often define us, and when those roles change without our consent, the identity crisis that ensues can be debilitating.

I spent long nights looking at old pictures, reading past emails, trying to stitch together remnants of a past self that felt whole. This retrospection, although painful, was necessary. It was a part of the mourning process, mourning not just for what was lost but also for the version of myself that I had to let go.

Searching for Meaning and Acceptance

As the more tumultuous waves of grief began to ebb, a new phase of my journey emerged. I started searching for meaning in what had happened. This search wasn’t about finding excuses or justifications but about seeking a narrative that I could understand, one that didn’t center around my suffering but rather illuminated my resilience.

This was when I turned to writing as my solace and my tool for examination. Each word I wrote, each sentence I crafted, helped me see my situation with a bit more clarity and a bit less bias. “How could this happen to me?” slowly transformed into “How can I grow from this?” It was a subtle shift in perspective, but a revolutionary one for my healing process.

The Role of Support Systems

No journey through hardship is a solitary trek. Throughout this period, the role of family, friends, and sometimes even strangers, became profoundly significant. They were the mirrors reflecting back at me not just a broken image but a whole person who still held value, who could still give and receive love, who had much to offer beyond her pain.

Therapy also played a crucial role. Speaking to someone who could navigate the treacherous waters of human psychology helped me understand that my feelings were valid but that they didn’t have to dictate my life. This professional support was crucial in helping me rebuild my foundation of self-worth and capability.

Finding New Ground

As time wore on, the sharpness of the initial pain dulled to a more manageable ache. The question, “How could this happen to me?” didn’t disappear, but it became less of a nightly chant and more of a rhetorical question that needed no urgent answer. What mattered more were the new questions I was learning to live with: “What can I do today?” “How can I help others?” “What brings me joy?”

FaithIt staff contributed to this article.

Mom Continues to Text Son After His Tragic Death—& She Finally Got a Response

After Taylor Thyfault passed away, his mom continued sending him text messages. Some were short and said things like, “I love you,” and, “I miss you.” They helped her feel connected. Then, she received a reply.

12 Surprising Truths About People with Tattoos You Never Knew

Uncover 12 surprising truths about people with tattoos, challenging stereotypes and revealing the unique stories behind their inked expressions.

What it Really Means When We Say “Yahweh”

When we call out to God, in praise, in worship, and in need, we are calling on the Lord our God. Learn how to pronounce Yahweh and call on the mighty one. Our Father. Creator.