Newlywed Jana Duggar is embarking on an exciting new journey. The second eldest child of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, known from the reality show 19 Kids and Counting, has revealed that she and her husband, Steven Wissman, are planning to move to his home state of Nebraska. In an interview published on August 17th, Jana shared, “He has a little house we bought that we’ve been fixing up and getting pulled together, and so that’s been fun.”
Steven, one of 13 siblings and a member of the Wissman Family Gospel Band, purchased a five-bedroom home in Lincoln, Nebraska, in 2023. His family lives just 20 minutes away in Milford, Nebraska, where they own a construction company where Steven works. The couple’s move comes shortly after their wedding in Arkansas, which took place in front of 500 guests. Though they only got engaged in June, Jana and Steven have known each other for over a decade, initially crossing paths when the Wissman family stayed with the Duggars during a snowstorm in Arkansas. After dating briefly a few years ago, they rekindled their relationship earlier this year.