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Test Your Knowledge with Our Jesus’ Miracles Trivia Quiz

In the vast tapestry of Christian tradition and biblical narrative, the miracles performed by Jesus Christ stand as powerful testaments to his divinity, compassion, and the overarching message of the Gospel. From turning water into wine to raising the dead, these acts not only defy human understanding but also offer profound insights into the nature of faith and the kingdom of God. But how well do we know these miraculous events, and what do they truly signify within the Christian faith? This collection of 25 miracles trivia questions delves deep into the heart of these biblical accounts, inviting readers to explore the miracles of Jesus—questioning whether they are considered myth or fact in the context of Christian beliefs and historical documentation. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey to uncover the truths woven into these divine interventions.

Miracles Trivia Questions

  1. What is the first miracle attributed to Jesus in the New Testament?
    • A) Turning water into wine
    • B) Healing the blind
    • C) Walking on water
    • D) Feeding the 5000
  2. Where did Jesus perform his first recorded miracle?
    • A) Jerusalem
    • B) Bethlehem
    • C) Cana of Galilee
    • D) Capernaum
  3. How many loaves of bread did Jesus use to feed the 5000?
    • A) 5
    • B) 7
    • C) 12
    • D) 3
  4. How many fish were used along with the loaves to feed the 5000?
    • A) 2
    • B) 5
    • C) 7
    • D) 12
  5. What type of tree did Jesus curse, causing it to wither?
    • A) Olive
    • B) Fig
    • C) Cedar
    • D) Palm
  6. How many times did Jesus tell Peter to cast his nets into the sea for a miraculous catch of fish?
    • A) Once
    • B) Twice
    • C) Three times
    • D) Four times
  7. Which body of water did Jesus walk on?
    • A) Jordan River
    • B) Dead Sea
    • C) Sea of Galilee
    • D) Red Sea
  8. Whose ear did Jesus heal after Peter cut it off during Jesus’ arrest?
    • A) Malchus
    • B) Judas
    • C) Caiaphas
    • D) Pontius Pilate
  9. In which Gospel are all the first three Synoptic miracles found?
    • A) Matthew
    • B) Mark
    • C) Luke
    • D) John
  10. Who was raised from the dead by Jesus in Bethany?
    • A) Lazarus
    • B) Jairus’ daughter
    • C) The widow’s son at Nain
    • D) Eutychus
  11. What miracle did Jesus perform at the Pool of Bethesda?
    • A) He walked on water.
    • B) He fed 5000 people.
    • C) He healed a man who had been invalid for 38 years.
    • D) He turned water into wine.
  12. How many lepers did Jesus cleanse on the way to Jerusalem?
    • A) 10
    • B) 12
    • C) 7
    • D) 5
  13. What did Jesus do to calm a storm while he and his disciples were at sea?
    • A) He prayed.
    • B) He rebuked the wind and waves.
    • C) He sang a hymn.
    • D) He walked on water.
  14. What did Jesus use to give sight to the blind man in the Gospel of John?
    • A) Water from the Jordan River
    • B) Mud made with spit
    • C) A touch of his garment
    • D) Prayers only
  15. How many baskets of leftovers were collected after the feeding of the 5000?
    • A) 7
    • B) 12
    • C) 5
    • D) 20
  16. What was the second recorded miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John?
    • A) Healing the official’s son
    • B) Turning water into wine
    • C) Healing a blind man
    • D) Feeding the 5000
  17. What was unique about Jesus healing the servant of the Roman centurion?
    • A) Jesus was in another town when he healed him.
    • B) Jesus used a special prayer.
    • C) The servant was a known criminal.
    • D) It happened in a synagogue.
  18. Which Gospel is the only one that mentions the miracle of turning water into wine?
    • A) Matthew
    • B) Mark
    • C) Luke
    • D) John
  19. What miracle did Jesus perform for Simon Peter’s mother-in-law?
    • A) He healed her of leprosy.
    • B) He raised her from the dead.
    • C) He healed her of a fever.
    • D) He restored her sight.
  20. Who acknowledged Jesus’ authority over nature after calming the storm?
    • A) The Pharisees
    • B) The disciples
    • C) The crowds
    • D) Roman soldiers
  21. In which region did Jesus cast out a legion of demons from a man?
    • A) Galilee
    • B) Judea
    • C) Samaria
    • D) Gerasenes
  22. How did Jesus heal the deaf and mute man in the Gospel of Mark?
    • A) By saying “Ephphatha” (Be opened)
    • B) By touching his ears and tongue
    • C) By praying
    • D) A & B
  23. After which miracle did Jesus warn the healed man to tell no one about it, but the news spread anyway?
    • A) Healing the blind man
    • B) Healing the leper
    • C) Healing the paralytic
    • D) Raising Lazarus from the dead
  24. How long had Lazarus been dead before Jesus raised him?
    • A) One day
    • B) Three days
    • C) Four days
    • D) A week
  25. What did Jesus tell Jairus when he was informed that his daughter had died?
    • A) “Your daughter will live.”
    • B) “Do not be afraid; just believe.”
    • C) “She is not dead but sleeping.”
    • D) B & C

Navigating the Pain of When Family Doesn’t Act Like Family: Strategies for Coping and Healing

Discover insights and coping strategies for navigating emotional turmoil when family doesn't act like family. Explore how to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and find healing amidst complex family relationships.

Exposing the Top 10 Weirdest Episodes of ‘My Strange Addiction’

Explore the weirdest episodes of 'My Strange Addiction' that offer profound insights into human behavior and the complexities of addiction, from eating non-food items to forming unique attachments.