Exclusive Content:

11 Tear-Jerking Sad Romance Movies That Will Leave You Reaching for Tissues

These sad romance movies will tug at your heartstrings and leave you reaching for tissues. From tear-inducing teen love stories to profound tales of love lost and found, each film promises an unforgettable emotional journey.

Can You Have Sex Before Marriage? Yes—But Here’s Why Christians Are Asking the Wrong Question

But what if you're engaged, and really REALLY in love? Then, can you? Yes, you can. But...

21 Heart-Wrenching Sad Country Songs That Capture Life’s Deepest Sorrows

Dive into the depths of emotion with our curated list of 21 sad country songs. From timeless classics to modern ballads, explore stories of love, loss, and longing that resonate with the heart. Feel seen and understood through the power of country music.

Pengertian Berita Online (Online News)

Berita Online (online news) adalah berita dalam jaringan (daring) atau berita yang tersaji di media internet, termasuk situs berita.

Pengertian Berita Online (Online News)
Berita online adalah jenis baru berita setelah berita yang tersaji di media cetak (koran, majalah) berupa teks dan gambar dan di media penyiaran (radio, televisi) berupa audio dan video.

Berita online bisa memadukan teks, audio, dan video (multimedia).

Online news adalah fenomena baru dunia jurnalistik. Berita online mulai eksis sekitar pertengahan tahun 1990-an dengan berkembangnya internet dan website (world wide web).

Berita online sudah pertama kali muncul pada awal 1980-an. Tahun 1983, grup koran Knight – Ridder dan AT&T meluncurkan revolusi eksperimennya untuk membawa orang-orang menjelajahi informasi lewat komputer mereka sendiri.
Sebuah layanan teks video, yaitu Viewtron, menjadi pelopor media online news.

Pengertian Berita Online 

Pengertian Berita Online
Berita online adalah segaja jenis berita yang disebarkkan secara online dalam bentuk teks, audio, video, dan live streaming.
Menurut Salwen, jurnalistik masa depan ditemukan di internet dan suatu hari online news akan menjadi mainstream journalism (jurnalistik utama) karena World Wide Web dibuktikan dapat mentransformasikan kebudayaan, bahasa, dan informasi.
Perkembangan pesat berita online karena ia menawarkan isi (content), teknologi (technologies), dan distribusi (distribution). 
Brian Orme
Brian Orme
Brian is a writer and editor from Ohio. He works with creative and innovative people to discover the top stories, resources and trends to equip and inspire the Church.

11 Tear-Jerking Sad Romance Movies That Will Leave You Reaching for Tissues

These sad romance movies will tug at your heartstrings and leave you reaching for tissues. From tear-inducing teen love stories to profound tales of love lost and found, each film promises an unforgettable emotional journey.

Can You Have Sex Before Marriage? Yes—But Here’s Why Christians Are Asking the Wrong Question

But what if you're engaged, and really REALLY in love? Then, can you? Yes, you can. But...

21 Heart-Wrenching Sad Country Songs That Capture Life’s Deepest Sorrows

Dive into the depths of emotion with our curated list of 21 sad country songs. From timeless classics to modern ballads, explore stories of love, loss, and longing that resonate with the heart. Feel seen and understood through the power of country music.