"I don’t know how to say this, and I still cannot believe I am even saying it, but Brandon and I are getting divorced." Christian author and speaker Jen Hatmaker shares her heart amidst divorce.
Take the first step with these 9 transformative quotes about forgiveness that can help heal your heart, release resentment, and embrace peace and compassion.
Ricky Pearsall was shot in the chest during an attempted robbery. His mom took to Facebook with an update and to plead with friends and family to pray for her "baby boy."
"That’s what people don’t understand about this drug. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve done it, all it takes is that ONE time, and your life is over."
"Kids are DYING, and people are too afraid to be honest even in obituaries...Please use my son’s story. Please help me warn parents this is out there. Please, please, please. It’s all I can do now."
"Maybe we should all remember, whatever state they’re in today, there is a mom somewhere, with knees bleeding from prayers, that just wants her baby back."
"That one last high led me to a room, brain in a fog, staring at caskets trying to decide which one my little girl should be buried in. That one last high led to writing an obituary, planning a funeral and a house full of flowers from grieving friends and family."