Longest-living President Jimmy Carter has lived an incredible life rooted in deep Christian faith. From his time as the 39th President of the United States to his global humanitarian efforts, Jimmy Carter's legacy is one that honors God and country.
Lauren Daigle returned to 'American Idol' to perform her hit song "Look Up, Child" for millions of fans—some in the audience and some watching from home.
This girl is a serious rockstar. In a mere 9 minutes, she totally demolishes everything you've ever thought about bikinis. Maybe modest is hottest, after all?
Senior Western Oregon outfield Sara Tucholsky never thought she'd hit a homerun that day, so when the ball soared over the back fence, she couldn't believe her eyes. She made a break for first base and felt her knee suddenly give out. You won't believe what happens next.
When Larissa met Ian at college in 2005, she never dreamed she'd one day be his wife ... and his caretaker. After a tragic accident left Ian without the ability to speak, walk or care for himself, she did what any woman in love would do: she married him.
True love should be as committed and sacrificial as this. What if this video was required as pre-marriage counseling for every young couple in the world? We think it could do some serious good. Pass it on.