Longest-living President Jimmy Carter has lived an incredible life rooted in deep Christian faith. From his time as the 39th President of the United States to his global humanitarian efforts, Jimmy Carter's legacy is one that honors God and country.
Lauren Daigle returned to 'American Idol' to perform her hit song "Look Up, Child" for millions of fans—some in the audience and some watching from home.
"My deepest regret is that because I was so blindsided, I didn't know our last conversation would be just that: Our last. To all of those who have lost a mother, parent or loved one, know this: They are not lost, and we are not motherless."
It wasn't until I lost my mom that I learned to truly appreciate the simple times we had together. I pray you don't make the same mistake with your mothers—or daughters. It's hard being a motherless mom.
"I promise you that there is not a SINGLE one of your yoga doing, Pinterest worthy birthday party throwing, organic snack feeding, no dark circles under their eyes Mamas that have it together ALL the time."
This time of year is hard for you, I know. I was a single mom for almost five years. My sister was for seven. And my mother has been a single mom for almost the entirety of her four children’s lives.
"Everyone wants to be there, all at once, at the beginning, and then they all leave – go and carry on with their own lives, all at once, as well. You wonder why nobody understands that this is such a terrible day and that you need all the support you can get."