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“It’s Not Easy”: An Honest Letter to My Husband on Valentine’s Day

"Here we are, 24 times we have celebrated Valentine’s Day... I feel like I am just lately really getting to know you."

Jimmy Carter: A Life of Faith, Service, and Legacy

Longest-living President Jimmy Carter has lived an incredible life rooted in deep Christian faith. From his time as the 39th President of the United States to his global humanitarian efforts, Jimmy Carter's legacy is one that honors God and country.

Lauren Daigle Returns to the ‘American Idol’ Stage That Rejected Her to Sing Multi-Platinum Hit “Look Up, Child”

Lauren Daigle returned to 'American Idol' to perform her hit song "Look Up, Child" for millions of fans—some in the audience and some watching from home.

Tag: Satan

Dear Overthinker, Satan Would Do Anything to Stop You From Reading This Message

"The Lord spoke clearly and strongly to my heart, and if you’re an overthinker too then these words are probably for you too."

8 Lies Satan Whispers to You About Your Marriage

"I didn’t feel close to my husband, or perhaps I felt that we weren’t in love anymore- that all of my foundations were crumbling under my feet. I knew that I was in a delicate state emotionally and I knew that I was under attack. Satan sees Christians in their weak moments and pounces."

The Devil Will Use Christians to Discourage You

It’s not in the strip clubs, bars, or prisons where you would see the greatest battle for good, if you could see in the spiritual realm. My husband is fond of saying, “if you’re looking for the devil, don’t try the home of sinners. Look in the church instead.”

Dear “Daughter of Satan”

"Many fellow believers have disagreed with me lately, by calling into question my Christianity. But do you know who has never questioned it? The lost."

Satan Would Do Anything to Stop Your Husband From Reading This Letter

"So, everyone, pay attention, and commit these tasks to memory. This is how we gain finality over fidelity."--Satan

Satan Is Trying to Steal Your Family. It’s Time You Fight Back.

Satan wants us tired, worn thin, and stressed. He wants us in debt up to our eyeballs, and our health failing because we can’t sleep enough, eat right, or handle our stress effectively. He wants us busy, but not productive. He wants our plates full, but our tank empty. We're not even trying to take a stand. This is hard stuff to think about. It’s taking everything we’ve called "normal" over the past few decades or more and realizing that it’s actually destroying the family unit.

How Satan Is Stealing Your Marriage Without You Even Noticing

We have to stop handing the enemy our family on a golden platter. We have to take back what God has given us. We have to open our eyes to the gift of our spouse, just as God made them, and stop trying to make them into someone else.

When Satan Steals Your Motherhood

Motherhood is a gift from God that Satan will gladly suck the joy out of at every opportunity. Let's stop the Liar in his tracks.