After he mentioned this development to me I became filled with excitement. I just couldn’t help myself! I fell asleep that night praying for my husband, praying that this opportunity would pan out in our favor.
The next morning, after he had left early for work, and I rose a bit later with the children, it was [at] the forefront of my mind again. I fell back into prayer for my husband immediately, praying fervently that he would receive the outcome he had mentioned.
I was beyond excited as I prayed. I imagined his increased income. I imagined myself being able to cut back on work and stay home with the children. All. The. Time! (Despite the fact that they may drive me bonkers, the thought of having the choice to stay home full time filled me with joy.)
I looked around my cramped bathroom as I prayed and imagined a big master bath! A new house with more square footage! The thought of all I had in store to gain from this opportunity made my heart rate increase, and I stepped up my intercession for my husband’s career.
Then it hit me.
Was I praying for him? Or was I praying for me?
What was the motivation for my prayer time? Was it for my spouse? Was it for what he desired? Had I even asked him?
Then I thought of God’s will. Was this opportunity what He had in mind for my husband?
When should you stop praying for your husband?
I was so busy praying away for what I felt was in my husband’s best interest, but in reality, I was really praying for myself. I was praying for what I wanted his career to be, and what it would mean for me.
In my selfish excitement, I had not even taken the time to seek the Lord for what He would have me to pray.
Often times changes in life or a career path are frightening. There’s always that lingering fear, what if it doesn’t work out? Then what?
But if the Lord’s counsel has been sought, then there really is no cause for fear. Peace replaces fear when change is Christ-driven. You see?
I haven’t stopped praying for my husband, but how I pray is something I desire to keep under a close watch.
You should always stay in prayer for your spouse, but if you find that your intercession is selfishly driven by your own wants without regard for their desires or God’s will, then perhaps you need to stop.
It’s like when you get lost driving somewhere new. You have to stop, seek direction, and then turn around. You’ll never reach your destination going the wrong way. Don’t give up on the trip, but a pit-stop might be warranted.
Once you feel you have laid down what you desire, given up what you want solely, and have instead opened your ears and heart to your spouse’s hopes and dreams, you can begin to move forward. Most of the time you’ll find your desires intersect where your family is concerned anyway.
When you find yourself and your spouse on the same page, and the counsel of the Lord is supporting this vision, then by all means, pray away.
Pray selflessly for your spouse. Remember. They’re praying for you too.