Exclusive Content:

Navigating the Pain of When Family Doesn’t Act Like Family: Strategies for Coping and Healing

Discover insights and coping strategies for navigating emotional turmoil when family doesn't act like family. Explore how to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and find healing amidst complex family relationships.

Exposing the Top 10 Weirdest Episodes of ‘My Strange Addiction’

Explore the weirdest episodes of 'My Strange Addiction' that offer profound insights into human behavior and the complexities of addiction, from eating non-food items to forming unique attachments.

Why Did She Pick ‘Z’? Pat Sajak Uncovers Veteran’s Touching Motive on ‘Wheel of Fortune’

She chose Z and then X. He knew something was off...

Your Body Is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, So Cigars Are In And Prostitutes Are Out

How often have you heard something like this? Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, so you shouldn’t:

  • Get a tattoo
  • Smoke tobacco
  • Eat that diet
  • Drink alcohol

On the surface, this makes a sort of weird, backward sense (like the plots of most Christopher Nolan movies).

If my body is a temple, then I guess I should take care of it. And speaking personally, I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m a hardcore bodybuilder who spends hours developing his tritoid and bipec muscles (that’s what they’re called, right?).

But here’s the thing: when Scripture talks about our bodies being temples, it has almost nothing to do with health or tattoos or anything else that gets lumped in.

It’s so much more glorious and profound than that.

The Temple As God’s Dwelling Place

Throughout the Old Testament, God manifested his presence primarily in the temple and the tabernacle. While it was certainly true that God was omnipresent, in all places at all times, his presence was uniquely and specifically located in the temple.

This is why the High Priest feared to enter the Most Holy Place on the Day of Atonement. There was the distinct chance that he would come face-to-face with the real, immediate presence of God.

And that was a death sentence. 


Because a sinful High Priest could not encounter the unmediated presence of God without being destroyed. The holiness of God is no joke. It is consuming, glorious, brilliant, undoing, crushing, overwhelming, and terrifying. Truly understanding the holiness of God produces a deep fear of the Lord within us.

When Isaiah saw the just the train of God’s robe in Isaiah 6, he immediately began calling divine curses upon himself. In essence, he called for God’s wrath to be poured out on him because he was a sinful man. He knew that the moment God encountered sin, he was morally obligated to obliterate it.

When Moses asked God to show him his glory, God put Moses in a mountain cleft and then only gave him a glimpse of his backside. Why? Because if God allowed Moses any closer, Moses would die.

And let’s not forget Uzzah and Ahio. When the people of Israel moved from place to place, they transported the Ark of the Covenant. When the ark rested in the tabernacle and temple, God’s presence manifested between the cherubim atop the ark.

In Exodus 25:22, God says this about the ark:

There I will meet with you, and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are on the ark of the testimony, I will speak with you about all that I will give you in commandment for the people of Israel.

In 2 Samuel 6, when the ark was being transported, the oxen pulling the cart stumbled. In what, on the surface, seems like a noble gesture, Uzzah reached out and kept the ark from falling to the ground.

Big mistake.

God immediately struck Uzzah dead for defiling the presence of God.

Stephen Altrogge
Stephen Altrogge
I'm a husband, dad, writer, & Mixed Martial Arts Salsa Dancing Champion. I created The Blazing Center. I've also written some books which people seem to like.

Navigating the Pain of When Family Doesn’t Act Like Family: Strategies for Coping and Healing

Discover insights and coping strategies for navigating emotional turmoil when family doesn't act like family. Explore how to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and find healing amidst complex family relationships.

Exposing the Top 10 Weirdest Episodes of ‘My Strange Addiction’

Explore the weirdest episodes of 'My Strange Addiction' that offer profound insights into human behavior and the complexities of addiction, from eating non-food items to forming unique attachments.