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8 Reasons Why Nickelback Became Everyone’s Favorite Band to Hate

Nickelback, the Canadian rock band formed in 1995, has...

Woman Slays Traditional Beauty Standards With “Chinning” Selfies on Travel Adventures

“Chinning was born out of my insecurity from middle school. I felt the pressures of society and my peers to look a certain way and felt that I wouldn't be able to live up to those standards."

Abbie Halberstadt

Abbie Halberstadt is a happy wife, homeschooling mama to ten, and Bible-believing Christian. She's also author of the bestselling M Is for Mama: A Rebellion Against Mediocre Motherhood—an extension of her blogging ministry at misformama.net. In her "spare" time, she teaches fitness classes, helps run an art print + tee shirt business (paintandprose.com) that she co-owns with her husband and best friend, speaks at women's events, and enjoys destroying her family in epic games of Nertz. She and her family live in the Piney Woods of East Texas.

Summit Ministries: A Peak Time of Fellowship and Learning

In the summer of 2022, our oldest son, Ezra (16) got to do something new and exciting when he attended a Summit Ministries Christian Student...