About two years ago, I was sitting in a network marketing conference with my friend, Jennifer. We had been sitting there chatting after dinner waiting for the night to begin as smiling women trickled in and found their seats, excited to learn more about growing their business. We were seated smack-dab in the middle—not so close to the front that we’d be busted if we fell asleep, and not so close to the back that we couldn’t hear. The middle. pray
We were small talking, when suddenly she got a text on her phone, looked at me and said, ‘Hang on one second.’ Then she paused, closed her eyes, and bowed her head.
Concerned and slightly confused, I asked her if everything was okay. If someone was sick or hurt. If she needed to leave. If there was some kind of emergency.
I really had no idea what was going on. What did I just witness? Should I ignore it and act like nothing just happened? Should I hug her? Seriously… what am I supposed to do here? I’m not known for being especially smooth in any situation so this one really threw me.
Because let’s be honest, that’s odd behavior.
‘Oh yeah, everything is fine. My friend is just going through a hard time, and I told her I would pray for her. Anytime I tell someone I’ll pray for them; I stop and do it right then no matter what.’
It was so simple, and something I’ve been taught to do my entire life, but to see an adult actually commit to it in public was eye-opening, beautiful even.
It changed me.