Lisa Bevere poses a question in the following video that has doubtless been on the minds of many believers. She wondered whether or not God loves everyone equally. Bevere recalls how she was battling jetlag and lying down to take a nap one day when the thought came to her: The Holy Spirit said, “I do not love my children equally.”
Bevere explains she was dumbfounded by the statement. Surely God loves us all the same. Surely he couldn’t do something like play favorites. But the Holy Spirit went on to explain, “Same would mean one of you are replaceable…I don’t love my children equally. I love them uniquely.”
And, we keep wondering whether God loves everyone equally or uniquely?
The word “unique” caught Bevere’s attention, so she looked up the definition: “Sole representative of.” Meaning, you are the only one who represents God the way you represent God. However, the third tier of the definition was her favorite: Without rival.
“There is no rival for your place in God’s heart. There is no rival for your place in this world.”
Bevere goes on to pinpoint a problem with rivalry we have in the church. According to her, this problem is costing us our effectiveness. “Rivalry is robbing the body of Christ of the strength that is on you, because you’re too busy comparing and contrasting with other people when God has an identity and a call without rival on your life.”
Watch the video below to hear a condensed version of this powerful message to the body of Christ.
It can be tough to remember our true identity. We are beloved children of God. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” 1 John 3:1
How can I remind myself of my true identity?
When you’re discouraged, comparing what you have with your friend’s possessions, or questioning if you’re getting it “right,” take a moment (and a deep breath) to remind yourself of who you are. The devil loves nothing more than to distract us, discourage us, and derail us from knowing and experiencing God’s love for us. Be intentional in combatting distraction, and consider these ideas:
- As part of your morning routine in front of a mirror, repeat (out loud) this phrase, “I’m a beloved child of God.”
- Write out bright-colored sticky notes with statements such as, “You’re a beloved child of God,” “Remember your identity,” and “It’s not just who you are—but whose you are!” Place the sticky notes around your room and home as a visual reminder.
- Ask a friend to remind you of your true identity. In fact, you can do this for each other. Choose a specific day of the week to text each other an encouraging reminder.
God loves you uniquely, specifically, personally, and deeply. Look for ways to observe and notice His lavish love for you. Be sure to take the time to thank Him for His goodness.