"I don’t know how to say this, and I still cannot believe I am even saying it, but Brandon and I are getting divorced." Christian author and speaker Jen Hatmaker shares her heart amidst divorce.
Take the first step with these 9 transformative quotes about forgiveness that can help heal your heart, release resentment, and embrace peace and compassion.
Ricky Pearsall was shot in the chest during an attempted robbery. His mom took to Facebook with an update and to plead with friends and family to pray for her "baby boy."
She grew up believing love was a weakness and clung to that lie even after marrying a godly man. Watch how God destroyed her life to make it beautiful again.
Even though Nick was diagnosed with appendix cancer at age 24, he and his wife decided to ask God for the blessing of a baby. Knowing that his time was near the end, Nick left this powerful video message for his baby daughter that'll move you to tears.