On Tuesday morning, the pair was brought back together in an emotional reunion on the Today show.
Still reliving the shock of that night, James says he doesn’t remember thinking.
“He kept wanting to not lose his foot,” James says of Tom, “and I kept reassuring him of that, and he’s still got it!”
Like every other hero that risked their own lives to save others on Sunday night, James says he’s no hero. Just one of the dozens of concert goers who didn’t leave others behind.
Both James and Tom emotionally thanked whoever the driver of the “maroon F-250 or 350” was, saying that the night could have turned out much different for both of them had that “savior in a pickup truck” not been there when he was.
Light will ALWAYS shine through the darkness.
Tom says he “wouldn’t be here” if it weren’t for the selfless acts of people like James, and the pickup truck driver, and the hundreds of others, who continue to remind us of the GOOD in people.