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20 Angry Songs to Listen to When You Need to Blow Off Steam

We've curated a selection of 20 angry songs that perfectly capture the intensity of raging emotions. Whether you're feeling frustrated, irritated, or full of rage, these angry songs will provide a cathartic outlet for your inner turmoil and help you blow off steam.

25 Funny Ways to Say Good Morning: A Fresh Start with a Smile

Discover funny ways to say good morning to friends, your crush, and loved ones. From witty texts for Reddit fans to charming messages for that special someone, find the perfect phrase to brighten anyone's day and start mornings with laughter.

11 Tear-Jerking Sad Romance Movies That Will Leave You Reaching for Tissues

These sad romance movies will tug at your heartstrings and leave you reaching for tissues. From tear-inducing teen love stories to profound tales of love lost and found, each film promises an unforgettable emotional journey.

Not All Christians Believe Bill Gates Is the Anti-Christ (and Other End-Time Theories)

By ChristianNewsNow Contributor

The internet is abuzz with end time theories related to Covid-19. Perhaps you’ve heard some of these claims.

That Bill Gates is the anti-Christ ushering in the One World Order.

That Dr. Anthony Fauci is a conspirator with Bill Gates and “Big Pharma.”

That COVID-19 is one of the great plagues prophesied in the Bible.

That a House resolution with the number 6666 is a sure sign of the end times.

That any vaccine that emerges during this pandemic is part of the conspiracy to lead people to bow down to the beast described in the book of Revelation.

Perhaps there is a sense of doomsday in many people today–regardless of whether they’re Christian or not. According to YouGov, an international research data and analytics group headquartered in London, “Nearly three in 10 (29%) US adults think it’s likely that there will be an apocalyptic disaster in their lifetime. And 17 percent of Americans say that they have an apocalypse survival plan for their family.”

Further, “in a YouGov survey conducted in late February, at a time when several dozen cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed in the US, nearly one in five (19%) Americans said they believed a global pandemic was the most likely cause of the apocalypse.”

The Return of Christ Is Central to Christian Teachings

Christians are definitely prone to doomsday theories because a central teaching in the Bible is that Jesus Christ will someday return to Earth in a doomsday setting. Christians are encouraged to be ready for these events. Jesus Himself said, “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44). 

Christine Yount Jones
Christine Yount Jones
Christine Yount Jones is Content Director for Outreach Media Group. She has published several books and hundreds of articles about ministry in the last three decades. Before his death in 2003, Michael Yount and Christine had three children. Now, she and her husband, Ray Jones, together have five grown kids.

20 Angry Songs to Listen to When You Need to Blow Off Steam

We've curated a selection of 20 angry songs that perfectly capture the intensity of raging emotions. Whether you're feeling frustrated, irritated, or full of rage, these angry songs will provide a cathartic outlet for your inner turmoil and help you blow off steam.

25 Funny Ways to Say Good Morning: A Fresh Start with a Smile

Discover funny ways to say good morning to friends, your crush, and loved ones. From witty texts for Reddit fans to charming messages for that special someone, find the perfect phrase to brighten anyone's day and start mornings with laughter.

11 Tear-Jerking Sad Romance Movies That Will Leave You Reaching for Tissues

These sad romance movies will tug at your heartstrings and leave you reaching for tissues. From tear-inducing teen love stories to profound tales of love lost and found, each film promises an unforgettable emotional journey.