In a heart-wrenching conversation, high school sophomore Arielle Bowling and her mother, Tabatha, opened up about the terrifying experience of surviving a school shooting at Apalachee High School.
Madelyn Anderle, a Dallas-based photographer, has always loved documenting life's special moments, but when she connected with Nic through Instagram DMs, their love story became a cinematic journey she couldn’t resist recording.
"When the girls began to cry, the adult handed them the brown paper wrappers that had been holding the chocolate peanut butter cups and forced them to eat the empty wrappers — a cruel way to give the girls a literal taste of what they were missing out on that Halloween evening."
"On a day-to-day basis, we're going over really serious, important issues with the families and it takes a toll on everybody. Being able to kind of step back from all of that and look at something that is just pure fun is a really wonderful opportunity."