I would say, “Baby, emotional purity means that you know who you are and what your heart wants. While knowing what your heart wants, knowing that you are in control of your feelings, your feelings don’t own you. You own them.”
I would tell her that she is not allowed to hide her true self for other people’s comfort.
She is a round house kick to the face of conformity and that that is the best thing about her.
I would tell her if there is an adventure in her heart that she should do everything in her power to make it happen. I will tell her to rally her resources, seek advice from mentors and close friends, and then to go fight for what she wants.
I would tell her that the world has been waiting for her since the beginning of time.
I would tell her that she is 1,000 bouquets of roses and a million adventure novels wrapped up into one.
I would sit her in front of the bathroom mirror, like my mother did for me, and make her repeat over and over the things that she loves about herself, even if she didn’t necessarily believe them at the time. She needs to hear that vocally and I’m going to make sure she does.
After our talk, I would hug her tight and say,
“The world is yours. Go get it. I’ll be right behind you the whole time.”