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What Would Jesus Really Say to a Homosexual?

Perhaps it would’ve sounded something like this: “You have heard it said, ‘You shall not lie with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination.’ I say to you, affectionate feelings are to be celebrated, no matter the genders of the parties involved.”

But this never happened. The natural implication of which is that Jesus was in agreement that homosexual practice is an abomination.

Jesus’ silence about homosexuality implies His agreement with Old Testament teachings.

Based on the entirety of God’s Word, here’s what Jesus says to sinners — with no respect to age, gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation.

A Christian View of Homosexuality

1.) “I love you.”

He doesn’t lower his eyes and look away with awkwardness. He doesn’t sneer at you with disgust and then spits on the ground.

He meets your gaze steadfastly, looking at you with tenderness.

He’s the One crying out to His Father on your behalf, hanging on the cross you deserved, paying the debt you owed (John 3:16, Colossians 2:13-15).

2.) “You are so much more than your fleshly desires.”

He says this to prostitutes and porn addicts.

He says it to drunks and to gluttons.

He says it to adulterers and to promiscuous teens and twenty-somethings.

He says it to anger addicts and compulsive liars.

He even says it to not-so-young unfulfilled women whose lustful thoughts are thus far just that — thoughts.

And yes, he says it to homosexuals, too.

He beckons you not to get swept up in the “gay rights” movement.

He urges you not to be deceived into thinking that sexual immorality isn’t so bad just because everyone else is doing it.

He exhorts you to understand that a lustful thought is no less a perversion than a lifestyle full of immoral deeds.

He implores you to trade in your food and your drink and your sex and every other vain attempt to find fulfillment for the Bread of life and Living Water (John 4:13-14; 6:35). And there you’ll be satisfied.

3.) “I’m coming to your house today.” (Luke 19:5)

He wants to be with you (Mark 3:14). He wants your fellowship. He enjoys your company, and He does more than love you…He likes you. You don’t have to clean up before coming to Him. In fact, He’ll come to you just the way you are. All you have to do is receive Him, and He’ll take care of the rest.

4.) “Get up, pick up your bed, and walk.” (John 5:8)

Don’t rely on what you think you know about yourself. Don’t rely on what popular opinion says. Don’t rely on the latest medical research, or your common sense, or even your past experience. And for heaven’s sake, your feelings are the worst guide ever (Jeremiah 17:9).

God is the One who made you, and He knows all about you (Psalm 139). He will equip you to do whatever He’s asking you to do.

But you have to believe that He’s strong enough to be able to, and kind enough to want to. You have to trust that He doesn’t issue mandates for your harm, but for your good.

Have faith that He can do the impossible in your life; believe in Him, and you’ll witness the miraculous.

5.) “Go and sin no more.” (John 8:11)

Once He comes to you and you have a taste of the sweetness of divine relationship, He lets you know that He loves you far too much to let you stay as you are.

This is true no matter your orientation.

No matter your addictions.

No matter what sin has ensnared you in its grip.

The power of the gospel is that we are considered righteous before God, and we’re free to pursue holiness in our daily lives (Hebrews 10:14).

What does this mean for Christians?

We’ve acknowledged that homosexuality is a sin, and we’ve considered what Jesus says to sinners. But what should we sinners say to our fellow sinners, including homosexuals? Click here to read the follow-up post, where I explore this very timely topic.

Jennifer Clarke
Jennifer Clarkehttp://adevineencounter.com
I’m Jennifer Clarke, a Virginia girl, born and bred. I’m someone’s wife and best friend. I’m “Mama” to three smaller someones. I’m a foster mom, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a niece, a granddaughter. I am a church member. Some call me “friend.” Some have called me teacher. Many know I’m a reader. I am a sinner through and through, but thanks to the amazing sacrifice of an ever-pursuing, always-faithful God who loves me and wants to be with me, all that really matters is this: I AM HIS. Read more from me on my blog.

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