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Rachel Scott Drawing: 13 Tears, 13 Lives and One Girl Who Witnessed to the Bullies Who Killed Her

The Rachel Scott drawing, and the story of her life has inspired millions. God has used her story to reach millions of people for His glory.

Unlock the Perfect Self-Care Sunday Routine for Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide for Rejuvenation

Discover the ultimate Self-Care Sunday routine for adults seeking rejuvenation. From gentle morning rituals to evening wind-downs, our guide offers a comprehensive approach to refresh your mind, body, and soul. Start your self-care journey today!

5 Unmistakable Signs of Love Bombing: A Guide to Guard Your Heart

Discover the 5 unmistakable love bombing signs to protect you in your relationship. Learn how to spot these red flags in relationships and protect your emotional well-being from manipulative tactics.

Tag: Homosexuality

“I Accept You. God Loves You”: Preacher David Lynn Arrested for Sharing the Gospel to LGBT Community

“Jesus died for the sinner. Every heterosexual has sin. Every homosexual has sin. Sin is when we violate the laws of God.”

I Thought Christians Were Stupid Bigots

"I knew that I wanted to marry a woman someday, and I knew that Christianity wasn’t OK with that.”

Jesus & Homosexuality: Your Sexuality Is NOT Who You Are

So if sexuality doesn’t define us, then the question becomes, “Who are we?”

What Would Jesus Really Say to a Homosexual?

Based on the entirety of God’s Word, here’s what Jesus says to sinners – with no respect to age, gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation.

GA Woman to Be Expelled From Church Because of Same-Sex Relationship

They give an April 30 deadline for Kristen Cox to express repentance and a “desire to be forgiven of your sinful behavior.

Why God Never Answered My Prayer to Make Me Straight

"To be gay was to be gross. To be gay was to be wicked. To be gay was to be scum. So I prayed. Oh. How. I. Prayed. But God didn’t answer those prayers. Why?"

Gay Teen Kills Himself After He’s “Damned to Hell.” What’s Worse?—The Church Could’ve Stopped Him

His Christian parents called him "disgusting," "unnatural," "perverted" and "damned to hell."