With Nevada being a key state in the race for president and the Senate majority, Brown is in favor of some restrictions on abortion, but also has the personal perspective of the woman in mind.
Collectively, the Browns aren’t exclusively interested in abortion alone. Their aim is “building awareness, building advocacy, and increasing support for women before, during, and after pregnancy,” says Amy.
“Women should always feel loved, supported,” Sam says. “Part of that support is knowing there are other options beyond abortion.”
“We need to make sure we’re caring for women during pregnancy and after pregnancy,” he continued.
Sam’s position on abortion laws is quite different than a lot of his fellow republicans in today’s political landscape.
Abortion and the 2024 Political Races
So far in 2024, one of the biggest abortion debates unraveling in a post-Roe era is that of IVF treatments. It’s an issue that many women and families who are in fact pro-life, are battling with as states tighten down on what they define as a human life.
As many states define a human being with personhood rights as a fertilized egg, many forms of IVF are now being called into question as the procedures to help people grow their families involves creating human life in a petrie dish. When this happens, doctors and scientists are able to determine before implantation into the mother whether or not an embryo is viable. Those that are not are typically tossed out to give the mother the best shot at a viable pregnancy.
However, the belief that human life begins at the moment of conception means that “non-viable” embryos that are being discarded are also human beings with rights that are technically being violated.
Although there have not been direct attempts to stop access to IVF yet, such restrictions could occur if elected officials use language in anti-abortion bills that may endanger infertility care.
The Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law. The decision has led to a slew of confusion among the Republican Party and widespread fear among women turning to IVF to grow their families.