After an art teacher tells a 6-year-old her painting wasn’t done correctly, a mom takes to Twitter for support from the community.
Why an Art Teacher Tells a 6-year-old Her Art is “Wrong”
Gemma Leighton, mom of Edie, was disturbed when her daughter came home sad and discouraged, and she asked little Edie what was going on. Apparently, in an after-school art club, the aspiring little artist had been snubbed by her teacher.
Here’s the story: The art teacher tells a 6-year-old her art work is wrong, after she sees Edie’s painting of a scene of trees lining a pathway.
Mother, Gemma Leighton, was so angry that she posted to Twitter, asking her followers to help Edie feel better after the art teacher tells a 6-year-old her painting is wrong.
“Can you please show Edie some support and like her painting?” the mom posted, along with an image of the painting.
Here’s her post from Twitter:
My 6 year old daughter painted this amazing scene at an after school art club.
Her art teacher told her she had done it wrong?!
You can’t do art wrong!
She was so upset as art is her favourite thing to do.
Can you please show Edie some support and like her painting?— Gemma Leighton (@GemLeighton) April 21, 2021
The disappointed mom introduced the painting, saying, “My 6 year old daughter painted this amazing scene at an after school art club.”
The mom went on to explain, “Her art teacher told her she had done it wrong?!”
Understandably, after the art teacher tells a 6-year-old her art is done wrong, the mom points out, “You can’t do art wrong!”
Since the mom’s post, the Tweet has received more than 134,000 likes, 8,150 retweets, and 2,877 quote tweets.
And that’s not all. Edie also received a lot of encouragement…