Is it possible your husband watches porn?
Unfortunately, there’s a good chance he is.
An incredible 47 percent of Christians say pornography is a major problem in their home, according to an article by Family Safe Media.
And by “major problem,” these families don’t mean “the husband watches porn occasionally and the wife finds it kind of annoying.”
No, according to a special report released by Covenant Eyes:
- Among men ages 18-30: 79 percent view pornography at least once a month and 63 percent view pornography several times a week.
- Among men ages 31-49: 67 percent view pornography at least once a month and 38 percent view pornography several times a week.
- Among men ages 50-68: 49 percent view pornography at least once a month and 25 percent view pornography several times a week.
That’s a lot!!
And it isn’t just non-Christian men who are watching porn either.
According to the same report by Covenant Eyes, 64 percent of Christian men and 15 percent of Christian women view pornography at least once a month, and of these, 39 percent of Christian men and 13 percent of Christian women would classify their use of pornography as “excessive.”
Clearly, the church has a pornography problem on its hands.
And yet, when you discover porn on your husband’s computer, phone or TV, you don’t really care what the rest of the church is dealing with. Your own situation is all you can think about right then.
You feel hurt, betrayed, angry and hollow. You wonder if you’re overreacting, but you can’t help it. It hurts.
So how do you respond when you find out that your husband watches porn — and not just once, but regularly?
You don’t have to just sit by and do nothing while he makes choices that hurt you and your family.
Should I Be Upset that My Husband Watches Porn?
Yes, you have every right to be upset if you find out that your husband watches porn.
Just because porn use is incredibly common these days does not mean that it’s okay. Not only is it completely disrespectful of you (whether he means to be disrespectful or not) and completely against what the Bible teaches, it can also damage your relationship and both of your sexual health.
In fact, the use of pornography frequently leads to:
- Diminished trust and intimacy between couples
- Decreased interest in sex
- Unrealistic expectations
- Difficulty becoming aroused or completing the sexual act
- Sexual baggage that can haunt you down the road
- Decreased sexual satisfaction
- Increased marital problems
- Greater risk of infidelity
- Greater risk of separation and divorce
Your marriage deserves more than that.
Husband isn’t convinced porn is bad for your marriage?
You might want to download and read “Your Brain on Porn” together.
This free report by Covenant Eyes spells out very clearly five ways porn rewires your brain, such as decreasing your sexual satisfaction, lowering one’s view of women and desensitizes viewers to cruelty.
You’ll also learn how you or a loved one can find true FREEDOM from this awful addiction with the help of the Gospel.
It’s definitely worth a try, right?
You can get a copy absolutely free by going here: Your Brain on Porn Report
How to Respond When Your Husband Watches Porn
P.S. Men are absolutely not the only ones who struggle with pornography – plenty of women do too. That simply isn’t the focus of this particular article. If you are a woman who struggles with pornography, I strongly encourage you to check out the blog, Beggar’s Daughter.
1. Avoid Overreacting
When you first find out your husband watches porn, it’s easy to overreact. To think he’s disgusting, to worry if he even finds you attractive anymore, to worry if your marriage is in trouble, to wonder “why does my husband watch porn” or to wonder what else he might be hiding…
Resist the temptation.
His lust problem has nothing to do with you and how you look, and your husband probably isn’t a pervert. He’s a normal human being who has real struggles, just like the rest of us. He’s not perfect, and neither are you.
I don’t mean to minimize it, of course. Because, yes, porn is a big deal and it should be dealt with, but it’s also incredibly common and NOT the end of the world.
Marriage is full of struggles and challenges. If it’s not porn, then it’s something else. And now that you know it is porn, you can start to take steps to get through it together. Sure, it just might take some time and a great Internet Accountability program like Covenant Eyes, but you CAN find hope and healing.
2. Pray — For Him and You
Once you’ve managed to calm down a bit, it’s time to start praying like crazy.