“As a parent, and looking back on the moment, you would never think to just give your child over to perfect strangers, but in that moment I was so overwhelmed with peace, a peace that only God can provide, that I handed my little boy over and watched as he held the hands of these two people whom my heart suddenly felt so connected with. Chris and I of course followed behind (we’re not that crazy).”
Sally held Oliver’s hand as they walked through the store to some of the toys. Taylor replays the moments as snapshots she was lucky enough to witness:
“I watched her eyes turn from sadness to joy every time Oliver smiled at her. I watched the sorrow turn to hope each time Oliver picked up a toy and hugged her thank you. As Oliver reached “up, up” I watched Scott’s pain start to fade as he held Oliver and wept into his head. Through an act of their own generosity, I witnessed a couple begin to heal from the grief and ache of losing something so dear.”
It was in the moments when their time together came to a close that Taylor was overwhelmed by the incredible ways God is in control.
“After they bought him way too many toys, we all stopped in the middle of the store. We held each other and we prayed. God’s presence was so real and we worshiped and praised him for his ultimate design, for it was only God who could have brought us together. As we left Sally told us that she prayed that God would send her closure and tonight was her gift from God. After tonight she could start to move on. To heal.”
Though Taylor was apprehensive about sharing the experience, she says it’s an incredible reminder that there are no coincidences, just God. And she couldn’t be more thankful for that.
“Y’all. This is God. He is so real. Only he can put the right people in the right place at the right time so he can heal a broken heart. He designed it this way. Had we stopped in one more shop, taken one more picture, went a different direction, watched the parade a little longer, we would have missed it. But we didn’t because God was in control. And that, my friends, makes life a whole lot more meaningful.”