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Unlock the Perfect Self-Care Sunday Routine for Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide for Rejuvenation

Discover the ultimate Self-Care Sunday routine for adults seeking rejuvenation. From gentle morning rituals to evening wind-downs, our guide offers a comprehensive approach to refresh your mind, body, and soul. Start your self-care journey today!

5 Unmistakable Signs of Love Bombing: A Guide to Guard Your Heart

Discover the 5 unmistakable love bombing signs to protect you in your relationship. Learn how to spot these red flags in relationships and protect your emotional well-being from manipulative tactics.

Middle School Teacher Kept an Empty Chair in the Classroom for 53 Years to Teach Kids This One Important Lesson

At the tender age of 9 years old, Dan Gill learned a lesson he will never forget. This middle school teacher spent more than 50 years in the classroom, using an empty chair to teach his students the same lesson. 

My Husband Isn’t Attracted to Me — 3 Reasons Why He Stopped Pursuing You

Is it possible my husband isn’t attracted to me anymore? As women, we long to be pursued. We were made that way. It’s natural for us, then, as wives to want our husbands to continue to pursue us – long after our honeymoon.

So why doesn’t he come after you the way he used to?

I used to think the reason my husband wasn’t actively pursuing me was just a matter of growing complacent in marriage. He knows I’m here, he knows I’m available to him, so after awhile, it’s just no big deal. Then one day I decided I must be doing – or not doing – something that is making him lose interest in me.

Hugh denied that there was a problem. No, he hadn’t lost interest in me. No, it wasn’t the extra weight I’d gained since my “too-skinny-anyway” days when I’d met him (my rationalization for midlife weight gain). No, it wasn’t that his eyes or heart had been lured away by another “mistress” (like work, or sleep, or a new hobby). For the most part, he said he was often just too drained of emotional and physical energy when he came home from his stressful job to think about anything other than sleep.

One of the ways we can wound our marriage – and our husbands – is to generalize a situation we’re going through and compare it to everyone else. If we read statistics that the average couple has sex once or twice a week (sourced from bedbible.com/sex-frequency-statistics) and it doesn’t happen that often in our homes, we can become concerned and wonder what’s wrong with our husbands or us on weeks when we aren’t meeting that “quota” and thus being representative of the national average.

We need to stop comparing our husbands to everyone else and start looking at who he is and all that makes up his life – the number of hours he works,  his health habits, what he eats, the amount of sleep he gets, whether or not he exercises, the pressures he faces, the projects he’s working on, and add to those factors his age, his medical history, any medications he is taking, and his physiological makeup, and you have one man with about a billion reasons for why he might be not meeting the “national average” when it comes to how much he is – or is not – pursuing you, sexually. In other words, don’t take it personally.

Why My Husband Isn’t Attracted to Me or Stopped Pursuing Me:

  1. Fear of Rejection

    Sometimes, your husband’s lack of motivation to pursue you might come down to his fear of rejection. Perhaps he’s been burned. If you’ve ever brushed off his advances (and who of us hasn’t when we have children to take care of, work to finish, deadlines to complete, dinner to cook, laundry to fold, or just a million other things on our mind?), then he has already experienced the risk and resulting humiliation of you telling him “no.” And that may be why he refuses to take that risk again. He may figure “I’ve initiated so many times, I’m not going to anymore. If she’s interested, she’ll come after me for a change.”

    As much as a woman can feel hurt when she experiences rejection by her husband, a man can feel that wound even more intensely.

Unlock the Perfect Self-Care Sunday Routine for Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide for Rejuvenation

Discover the ultimate Self-Care Sunday routine for adults seeking rejuvenation. From gentle morning rituals to evening wind-downs, our guide offers a comprehensive approach to refresh your mind, body, and soul. Start your self-care journey today!

5 Unmistakable Signs of Love Bombing: A Guide to Guard Your Heart

Discover the 5 unmistakable love bombing signs to protect you in your relationship. Learn how to spot these red flags in relationships and protect your emotional well-being from manipulative tactics.

Middle School Teacher Kept an Empty Chair in the Classroom for 53 Years to Teach Kids This One Important Lesson

At the tender age of 9 years old, Dan Gill learned a lesson he will never forget. This middle school teacher spent more than 50 years in the classroom, using an empty chair to teach his students the same lesson.