Christian singer Lauren Daigle has surely received more than her fair share of criticism in recent months after appearing on “The Ellen Show” in November and making a controversial remark about homosexuality earlier this month.
In an interview on the “The Domenick Nati Show,” Daigle was asked if she “felt” homosexuality was a sin.
“I can’t honestly answer on that, in the sense of I have too many people that I love and they are homosexuals,” she told Nati.
“I can’t say one way or the other. I’m not God,” Daigle continued. “When people ask questions like that, I just say, ‘Read the Bible and find out for yourself. And when you find out, let me know because I’m learning too.’”
Christians were quick to slam the artist for her clearly non-biblical response, while neglecting to realize that she was put on the spot to answer a very polarizing question that we all could have failed to navigate well under such pressure.
The biblical concept of grace for mistakes made in our humanness went right OUT the window.
ForEveryMom’s Bri Lamm sums it up perfectly:
“That fruiti-tuti world-pleasing answer was not Truth in my opinion. But a rather cowardly response to a hard-hitting question in today’s cultural climate.
And you guys, I get it.
I get that we live in a world where any topic that *may* hurt someone’s feelings is polarizing. I get that we live in a world where people are turned off to Christianity merely because the teachings of the Bible contradict their emotionally-rooted world views. And I fully understand that after the ride she’s had in the last month — something Lauren says has made everything ‘clearer’ than ever — why she would naturally avoid answering such a polarizing question…
And in thinking about her response off and on for the last few days, I’m forced to take a look at myself and my own heart, and really question how I would answer such a question if I were in Lauren’s shoes.
If I’m being honest, I think I would have completely botched it. Not because I don’t know the Truth, but because Satan plays on people’s feelings.”
In a recent Instagram story, Christian comedian John Crist also decided to slam some Truth on the naysayers calling Daigle a false Christian because of her slip up.
“Lauren Daigle, bro, has done more for the Kingdom in a year than you will do in five lifetimes,” Crist told her critics, while calling their remarks questioning her Christianity “shallow.”
The comedian was quick to call out his own downfalls amidst his rant, stating that if his life was on display 24/7, you’d doubt he was a Christian too:
“I’m not even lying to you, I probably did 27 things yesterday that if you would’ve witnessed, you’d have been like, ‘Wow, I thought he was a Christian.’ I scrolled my Instagram for too long; I should’ve been reading the Bible. I cut someone off when I was trying to get into the Taco Bell drive-thru.”
“Lauren Daigle — I’m sorry, like hundreds of songs lifting up the name of the Lord and led people to the Kingdom and articles and stories,” he continued, “and one time she doesn’t say something that isn’t how you liked it? Get out.”
“If you’re gonna come out with your Lauren Daigle or John Gray trash talk,” Crist added, “then every tweet, every song that gets played, every post, every Instagram that glorifies the Lord, you should just be celebrating, like, ‘Thank you! We love you!’ If you’re not, then shut up.”
Watch John Crist’s full commentary in defense of Daigle below, and be sure to let us know what you think in the comments!