"I don’t know how to say this, and I still cannot believe I am even saying it, but Brandon and I are getting divorced." Christian author and speaker Jen Hatmaker shares her heart amidst divorce.
Take the first step with these 9 transformative quotes about forgiveness that can help heal your heart, release resentment, and embrace peace and compassion.
Ricky Pearsall was shot in the chest during an attempted robbery. His mom took to Facebook with an update and to plead with friends and family to pray for her "baby boy."
In a raw and honest interview, Daigle explains that she sought help from a therapist and a neurologist to get her mental health back on track and combat the loneliness and isolation brought on by the pandemic.
"My husband looked at me and asked why I was home so early and I told him, he didn't even know, because if you didn't know, married couples with jobs often take separate showers, and people with depression are super good at hiding it."
"I remember the weight. Feeling the darkness drag me down to a place I thought even God couldn’t go. Where I was a nothing and nothing really mattered. Where loneliness devoured my insides but no human being could fill the void. In that moment, I knew only the darkness."